The best guided tours in Piacenza, one of the richest and most flourishing cities of the Middle Ages that brings us today relevant artistic testimonies: Palazzo Gotico, the Cathedral and the church of Sant’Antonino. The province itself offers testimonies of monasticism which spread in the Middle Ages in the Chiaravalle della Colomba Abbey. p>
Piacenza, located on the banks of the Po river and "land of passage", was the first capital of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza and later became the second city of the Farnese state. The colossal Palazzo Farnese designed by Vignola dates back to the second half of the 16th century, now home to the Civic Museums, whose collections ranging from archeology to the Risorgimento deserve an in-depth visit.
San Pietro in Cerro e l’esercito di terracotta
ITINERA Emilia APS | P.IVA 02986650345 | Via Catuli, 23 – 43124 Parma
Accreditati MEPA - Mercato Elettronico della Pubblica Amministrazione (approvazione n° 1206531)