Musical Promenades

A journey through the heart of music under the sign of Verdi and Toscanini, discovering the unwavering connection of the city with opera, older than what you expect and deeply rooted. We will talk about arias and concertos, openings and upper balconies, enchanted batons and generous duchesses.

Musical Promenades can be arranged to pass through

  • the Regio Theatre
  • the Farnese Theatre
  • the Opera Museum
  • the birthplace of Arturo Toscanini
  • the Conservatory of Music
More in this category: Giuseppe Verdi and Busseto »

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Itinera Emilia

©2009- ITINERA Emilia APS | P.IVA 02986650345 | Via Catuli, 23 – 43124 Parma
Accreditati MEPA - Mercato Elettronico della Pubblica Amministrazione (approvazione n° 1206531)