Reggio Emilia, Napoleon and the first Italian Flag

The Tricolore or Italian Tricolour Flag first flapped on 7th January 1797.

Where? Right here, in the Tricolour Hall in Reggio Emilia.

For a city tired to be ruled by the Este Family, the young Napoleon and France represented shared ideals of Freedom, Equality and Fraternity.

Chased away the Este Duke, the local representatives gathered together with those of Modena, Bologna and Ferrara in a large hall where the flag of the Cispadan Republic was presented for the first time.

A kind of tribute to the French flag where blue gave way to green.

If you enter that place today, the so-called Sala del Tricolore (Tricolour Hall), you can still breathe the same atmosphere: full of energy, pride and passion for freedom

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