Unmissable collections of masterpieces and rare, beautiful items

Museums and Foundations that collect and make it possible to know the Emilian artistic heritage in the cities of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena and Bologna.

Art places in constant dialogue with the beauty of each city and the main villages of this very rich territory, with national art collections and artistic masterpieces of unparalleled beauty.

The Ricci-Oddi modern art gallery recently rose to prominence after the discovery of the Portrait of a Lady by Gustav…
In the evocative rooms of the former Gallotti furnace, a very interesting museum has found a home. It takes us…
The Tricolore or Italian Tricolour Flag first flapped on 7th January 1797. Where? Right here, in the Tricolour Hall in…
If you want to travel through time, you have to walk along these corridors. A path from the Roman vestiges…
Palazzo Farnese in Piacenza is the current seat of the Musei Civici (City Museums). Theatre of the brutal murder of…
If they were to shoot the Italian version of ‘Night at the Museum’, this would be the appropriate venue.  Rhinos,…
Ferrari, Lamborghini, De Tomaso : these names make the hearts of millions of people passionate about speed beat, fascinated by…
The Villa dei Capolavori (Masterpieces Villa) of the Magnani-Rocca Foundation, on the hills a few kilometers from Parma, houses the…
Itinera Emilia

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