Discover Parma in summer

The most significant places, the most exclusive flavors combined in a summer Parmesan tour.

The tour starts in the morning from Piazza del Duomo, visiting the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta that welcomes you with its elegant coolness. Inside the huge space of the church, it will be possible to admire the “Deposition” by the famous medieval sculptor Antelami and the incredible dome frescoed by Antonio Allegri. The itinerary continues stepping out, walking in the shadow of the cathedral large apse, to visit the nearby Monastery of San Giovanni Evangelista and its church, first example of Renaissance religious building in the city

The next stop is in the beating heart of Parma: Piazza Garibaldi. Ancient Roman forum, it is now characterized by different buildings. Your guide will illustrate their particular history and structure while you, why not?, will taste a delicious ice cream!

Your walk continues towards the Basilica della Steccata, the Teatro Regio and the Pilotta Complex to finish among the most characteristic alleys of the city, sitting at the table of a shady dehors, ready for the guided tasting of our food excellence: Parmigiano-Reggiano; Parma ham; Culatello di Zibello and to toast with a fresh glass of Malvasia wine. So good!

A half day to discover and experience Parma, is it enough?

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Itinera Emilia

©2009- ITINERA Emilia APS | P.IVA 02986650345 | Via Catuli, 23 – 43124 Parma
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