The exhibition OPERA, and you’re immediately on stage

The exhibition “OPERA, the stage of the society” welcomes you with soft lights and the bright colours of the paintings housed in, first of all the Vespri Siciliani by Hayez.

Items displayed in the sober rooms of the Governor’s Palace (Palazzo del Governatore) inspire some consideration and numerous thematic paths.

The key word is in the title: OPERA.

A genre of entertainment strictly bound to the people, especially with the Italian one.

The exhibition touches different sides - social, political, musical, scenographic, cinematographic of a kind of art born inside theatres but that comes then out of them to represent the city of Parma in the world.

Visitors can see archive photos, models of scenic machinery, sheet music, billboards, ancient sketches and, as a touch of lightness, marvellous costumes. They were worn by the most famous singers whose divine voices have been the real stars of the Opera.

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Itinera Emilia

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