Displaying items by tag: ham

It is well known that Parma with its 3 extraordinary PDOs (Parmigiano-Reggiano, Prosciutto di Parma and Culatello di Zibello) is the heart of the foodvalley.

It is also known that since 2015 it has been named Unesco Creative City for Gastronomy. Therefore in the town cultural program for September an event related to food can not be missing.

"Gastronomic September" is a month of in-depth analysis on PDO Parmigiano Reggiano and Prosciutto di Parma, pasta, tomato, milk with dairy products and anchovies. A widespread event that will involve the restaurateurs of the city, challenged to propose and reinvent dishes based on these excellences.

The debut will be marked Cibus OFF, an off-site event and a natural introduction to CIBUS, the international agri-food fair that returns to open its doors to Italian and foreign operators.

This gastronomic event will intertwine with musical and theatrical ones.

Dinners - shows, dances, the reopening of the Verdi Festival and the Parma City of Music project will offer a worthy setting for a Gastronomic September.

For those curious about food, an opportunity to investigate the special link between this territory, its people and its products joining our personalized food and wine tours.

Located on a hill overlooking the valley of the Parma Watercourse, this enchanting castle was the scene of the love story between Bianca Pellegrini and Pier Maria Rossi, retraced in the splendid Golden Chamber (about 1460, attributed to Benedetto Bembo).

Set in a pastoral landscape, between vines and the bed of the watercourse, the tour of the castle and the village of Torrechiara plunges us into the Romanesque: it is easy to imagine hearing the hammering of horses’ hooves and the rustle of the lively life of the ladies and knights. To deepen knowledge of the territory, it is possible to tour the Benedictine Abbey of Santa Maria della Neve, the Parma Ham Museum in Langhirano, the wineries and the ham production plants located in the surroundings.


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The “Prosciutto di Parma” (from the Latin perexsuctum, literally “dry”) is a tasty and authentic product whose origins date back to antiquity. It is produced only with pork and salt. It owes its characteristics to the skill of the salt Masters and the dry and delicate air of the fragrant hills around Parma. A tour of a  "prosciuttificio" (ham facility) lets you see the salting, drying and refining of the ham and to discover its secrets.

Absolutely recommended the tasting: prosciutto, homemade bread and a glass of Malvasia!

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