Parma Ham P.D.O.

The “Prosciutto di Parma” (from the Latin perexsuctum, literally “dry”) is a tasty and authentic product whose origins date back to antiquity. It is produced only with pork and salt. It owes its characteristics to the skill of the salt Masters and the dry and delicate air of the fragrant hills around Parma. A tour of a  "prosciuttificio" (ham facility) lets you see the salting, drying and refining of the ham and to discover its secrets.

Absolutely recommended the tasting: prosciutto, homemade bread and a glass of Malvasia!

More in this category: « Culatello di Zibello P.D.O.

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Itinera Emilia

©2009- ITINERA Emilia APS | P.IVA 02986650345 | Via Catuli, 23 – 43124 Parma
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