Among the Emilian cities, Reggio Emilia is unequivocally the most linked to the history of united Italy, having first forged the Tricolor flag: in an era far removed from national unity, one of the most important pages of Italian history was written.
In the visit to the city, which winds through suggestive squares, often animated by performing and visual arts events such as the Festival of European Photography, the Sala del Tricolore in the Palazzo del Comune, the Duomo, the church of San Prospero and the majestic Basilica of the Madonna della Ghiara, considered the most important fresco cycle of the seventeenth century in Emilia.
The provincial territory of Reggio Emilia also offers us interesting and rich tourist itineraries starting from the banks of the Po river with the town of Brescello, home of Don Camillo and Peppone, passing through the suggestive Rocca Gonzaga di Novellara and reaching the Matildic lands of the Canossa area. and the suggestive castle of Bianello.
La Chiesa di San Girolamo e Vitale il Santo Sepolcro
ITINERA Emilia APS | P.IVA 02986650345 | Via Catuli, 23 – 43124 Parma
Accreditati MEPA - Mercato Elettronico della Pubblica Amministrazione (approvazione n° 1206531)